Thursday, November 30, 2006
Course Evaluation
Our lecture has put in alot of effort into this course and the material he displayed in the lectures were very interesting and educational. Him including different tutorial exercises not only taught us about computer theory but helped us in learning many computer programs like word, excel, powerpoint etc.. getting guest lecturers in the class from different interests, fields and their experiences taught us alot about computer theory.
Awesome lecturer, great course, and friendly fellow students !!!!
Software likes limewire, kazaa and many other peer-peer software should block mp3, movies etc content for people to share it. This can help in solving this problem.
Mickey mouse story - I'm not sure if this is true or not, but back in high school i heard that diney's got bots which go around the internet and check if anyone is using their cartoon characters in their website for free. They are very fussy about it haha !!! ... so guyz don't use it until you pay for it.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tutorial task 9
The tutorial was quit simple since i've been using powerpoint for various purpose at university presentation. I'm a final year IT student and i've power point presentation alot. The steps were quit clear and very easy to understand. I didn't have much problem doing the exercise just like the other exercises. This tute might take some time for freshers but the steps are neatly laid out and easy to understand.
Lecture 9 - Summary
Follwing is straight from the lecture -
In the first electronic media age only one person would write a letter, make a film, broadcast a radio, and an audience could reveive that message telephone made this different these days. The telephone equalised the position of the sender and receiver both send and receive message with minimum technical and financial resourses
In the second media age -
Internet made is possible for an individual to publish to the audience unlike the first media age where only one person could trasmit and others receive.
Marshall Mcluhan suggests that there are in fact three media ages oral, literate and electric.
Interesting question to think about asked in the lecture
Question: What will our future look like? Are the machines being developed by the humnas lead to a future of sadness where machines take over the world like in matrix or is it going to enhance our future and increase our knowlege.
Answer: I think technology should be used to a limit, we should not produce or create any mechanical things that can harm humans not even for experiment purpose. For example: bots doing mens jobs, giving them sences, wiriting emotion programs for them giviing them the ability to feel. Technology shouldn't be used to a certain extend because the more we develop technology the more we use the natural resources and disturbing the nature is not a good thing.
Tutorial Task 8
Essay topic - few comments
What are the uses/limits of the internet in terms of politics and/or democracy?
I've looked at a couple of website to research on this part of this topic. I see I'm getting different opinions from different people. This newpaper guy from new york times said that "Internet can educate people very quick or make them dumb much quick. Speed is not everything in life" I think he is probably mad at the people having news websites.
Many young people say that internet is a very useful tool, it helps them to learn more things quicker and as far as i think they probably stand against what the new paper guy said that internet can make you dumb much quicker.
Using internet for military purpose only would be stupid because i know that every program written by a human has a loop whole which can be used to broken into the systems. These days people are more educated and understand the term hacking properly. I'd say making it available for every individual is more important to educate them and help them grow.
Lecture 8- summary
Democracy was stated as important issue. Democracy means that everyone can speak freely. Internet gives people oppertunity by giving people the oppertunity to debate.
Internet helps people to come closer to each other, share their thoughts with the world, it helps everyone understand the worlds opinion on whats going on. Before people couldn't communicate with the world directly, internet gives individuals this facility. Everyone gets a chance to participate in the debate which is going on around the world. People can use blogs, emails, forums, chat rooms to communicate.
Anything can be searched through internet. Suppose if someone wants to know the goverment efforts in saving animals on the verge of extinctions, internet can be used to research on this purpose. Different websites might have different opinion on the topic so its upto the user to chose the best solution.
Direct quote from the lecture - Marshall Mcluhan said that "electricity does not centralise but decentralises" he raised that possibility that the electronic media might extend oppertunities for involment in a space similar to public shphere.
Tutorial Exercise 7
I was able to help my classmates with it. I think the steps are quit simple and are very clear. This tutorial also refreshed my memory with excel.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
History Of internet
Internet history
Breif history on the Internet
Short Summary of Internet-
1957:The United States Department of Defense formed a small agency called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to develop military science and technology.
1961-1965:The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started to research sharing information in small, phone-linked networks. ARPA is one of their main sponsors.
1966: The first ARPANET plan is unveiled by Larry Roberts of MIT. Packet switching technology is getting off the ground, and small university networks are beginning to be developed.
1969:The Department of Defense commissions the fledgling ARPAnet for network research. The first official network nodes were UCLA, Standford Research Institute,UCSB, and the University of Utah. The first node to node message was sent from UCLA to SRI.
1971: more nodes join the network, bringing the total to 15. These new nodes include Harvard and NASA.
1973: ARPAnet goes global when the the University College of London and Norway's Royal Radar Establishment join up.
1974: Network intercommunication is becoming more sophisticated; data is now transmitted more quickly and efficiently with the design of TCP (Transmission Control Program).
1976: Unix is developed at AT and T; Queen Elizabeth sends out her first email message.
1979: USENET, the mother of all networked discussion groups, is developed.
1982: Internet technology protocols are developed, commonly known as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol). This leads to one of the first definitions of an "internet" being a connected set of networks.
1984: Number of hosts is now up to 1000, with more being added every day.
1985: The first registered domain is
1987: Number of hosts breaks the 10,000 mark.
1988: First large-scale Internet worm affects thousands of Internet hosts.
1991: Tim Berners-Lee develops the World Wide Web.
1993: The World Wide Web's annual growth is now at a staggering 341,634%.
1994: ARPAnet celebrates 25th anniversary.
1995-1997: RealAudio introduces Internet streaming technology, dial-up systems emerge (America Online, Compuserve), the Internet backbone continues to be strengthened with the addition of MCI, Microsoft and Netscape fight for WWW browser supremacy, and there are now more than 70,000 mailing lists.
1998-present:The Internet continues to experience staggering growth. More people use the Internet to get connected to others, find information, conduct business, and share information than ever before in history.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Day 7 - Lecture Summary
There are different types of games such as, arcade games, console games, computer games, MUDs, MMOGs and others. Different games have different ways of interaction. Games with story line teach about the life, they are just like watchin a movie but more interactive. Video games are also known as media of communication. Kids likes to play video games because of virtual reality, playing video games make you feel like you are in the game.
Games these days are used to educate school students. Kids learn quicker when they a messaged is conved to them in the form of a game. My little sister she is 5 years old, her liking of video games have made her learn how to start the computer, how to run the game, how to change the setting of the game, how to use the keyboard and how to turn off the computer. I'm amazed how much she has learned just by using the computer.
Week 6 - Tutorial

I've been watching this TV show FRIENDS for a while now and i've never seen two very best friends sharing everything and not keeping secrets from each other. Thats why I think this pic suits the words friends the most.

Someday in the future we will have bots playing sports. This picture is a imaginary pic of a robot training boxing at the punching back.

The globle in on left of the picture represents the earth and the newspaper on the right hand side represents the news around the globle. I think this picture suits the words news the most because the globle in the picture shows its relationship with the news.

People like going the beach in the summer. The sun represents the summer day and the people on the beach shows that they having fun in the beach and we all like going to the beach in summer only, if you like going to the beach in winter there is something wrong with ya :D jokes !!!

This picture shows the stick dude playing the game, and enjoying the game as you can see he is smiling :D. You always see these boxy type things in the arcade for game players.

The soccer player here is playing soccer and the cup right next to his hand is a symbol of his success. Him playing the game while holding the cup symbolises success.

Everyone knows who Jennifer aniston. I think this picture symbolises the word celebriti because of the right picture shows thats she is been to the late night show of david something for an interview.
Day 6 - Lecture Summary
Portable audio devices like CD players or MP3 players although they are very entertaining i'd say they encourage users to burn and copyright CD's and mp3's. The government does bring up copywrite laws, but no really follows them.
TV vs Internet - Nowdays mostly everyone uses internet over TV. TV forces you to watch whatever is available but internet facilitates on watching whatever you like downloading stuff the internet, listening to which ever music you wanna hear. I'd say internet is much more flexible then TV thats why people use internet more then they use TV.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
On essay !!!
Essay/Discussion Question:
The idea of the internet as cyberspace has been a part of our contemporary culture for some time, particularly in the popular medium of film. But is the concept of cyberspace still relevant to our contemporary society? Discuss with reference to your own experience of contemporary media.
I did a reasearch on the above topic but I couldn't come up with many ideas on the topic, it seems really hard for me to elaborate this topic with my experience, so I guess I will wait for the next topic to show up !!!
Week 5 - Tutorial Task

I've been watching this TV show FRIENDS by warner brothers for a while now. I think the word friends really suit them the best.

Anything related to computers these days is high tech, chips being the basis of computers are high technology aswell.

This picture describes the word news alot because the picture has a report in it.

When do people go to the beach ? When its summer thus this picture describes the word summer the best.
She is running on water, which is impossible. There is something wrong here, something unconventional.

People sitting, reading, talking and the grifiths university symbol on the building makes this picture describe the word university life.
lecture 5 - Summary
Various interesting facts were added by the lecturer today. The leturer told us the history of the internet, he said, In 1990 and 1992 there were only few website available for people. Few business companies realised that interet in the later future would be a great source of income for the company, so companies started launching up their websites. Some website did very well such as and Some websites like didn't do very well because they didn't realise that websites should only be made for businesses with international market. suffered looses due to it, because the sale prices of the company were too low and shipping costs and packing costs just added up the price, increasing the selling price. The website suffered a huge loose due to less sales.
I'm a computer science student, a big fan of cool softwares. The lecturer today showed us his website which had I think almost 50 html pages. It was completely in flash with amazing graphics. The lecture explained how different websites have different impact on the users, what users like to see in each website, how they liked it to be presented.
Did you guyz know what deleting stuff off your computer doesn't really delete it, it just virtually remove the data from your computer and somehow the data can be backtracked. Amazing aye !!!
Google finds its search websites using bots. What it does is it sends bots all over the internet and looks into each websites database and displays the website with the relevant information.
A story told by the lecturer - To prevent copywrite the CD companies came up with an idea. The idea of adding a raw data at the edge of the CD , the data would stop the user to copy mp3's into the CD or copy the music onto their HDD. A 15 year old boy cracked this by blacking out the edge using a marker. IT WORKED !!! yay !!! lolz. The music dudes need to come up with a better idea.
Lecture 4 - Tutorial Task
Since they require more memory, more speed, the slow computer might not get the right message on time, which can be quite confusing. Sometimes online communication is used by some businessmen as a meduim of communication and them getting the right information on time is a very important thing. As far I think 3D chat programs should only be limited to once pleasure and not used for business or any other important communcation.
I've never used a 3D chatting program but according to my research a person has an option of showing him as a character(the program allows you to design on your own character) which sometimes can be misleading to other people.
Lecture 4 Summary
Questions and Answers
Q.What is a search engine?
Search engines are bots or programs(often referred to as "spiders" or "robots") which search the website databases to look for the information/words typed by the user in the search field.
Q.How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
Depends what site it is, for example: google by how frequently other sites link to you, not by what you do or don't say on your site, although they do of course use what is on your site to determine whether your page is of relevance. Special attention is paid to bold text or to keywords and summaries in the head of the HTML document.
Q.Who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
Various factors contribute to the importance of the top page to the others. The number of visitors on the website, the size of information, the size of the website, how regularly the site is being used by other users, the accuracy of the website etc contibutes one page more useful than the another one.
Q.what are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
I've got only two favourite search engines and I like google more because it is more accurate, the information i get from google is pretty much all I need. I don't know how google is so accurate, but I'm certain that if I need to find information my first preference would be google and the reason is because of its accuracy and speed. The simplicity of the looks of the google also makes the load up quicker even when my computer or internet is running slow. I like is also my favourite because its is easy to look for answers by typing in direct answers. If i'm doing an assignment and I need an answer to a question, i'd just open and type in the question and just find the direct answer to the question. I like google more then because of its accuracy and current information, its is more simple looking which helps its to load faster(less graphics).
Q.Can you find some current news stories about search engines? (for example, Google has been in the technology news a bit lately).
Here is a pretty cool new I found on the google website itself about google. Poor google, everyone is trying to put you down. Don't loose hope. Google gets day in Belgian court AOIFE WHITE Associated Press BRUSSELS, Belgium — A Belgian court will hear Google Inc.'s defence on Friday against local newspaper complaints that it stole content from their Web sites without paying them or asking their permission. This will be the first time Google argues its case after the Brussels-based Court of First Instance ordered the California-based company to remove Belgian French-language newspaper content from its news index, threatening daily fines of 1 million euros ($1.28-million (U.S.) The above information is copy and pasted from I'm not stealing it !!! :D
Trents posts - Reading trents posts I understand that trent is a kinda person who like to be specific. In all his posts he has been right to the point. The only extra information added to his posts is the information which is needed to explain the situtation. trent has also used his personal experience to explain his ideas. Trents explanation about 3d programming was pretty much the same as my idea of it, I totally agree with trents ideas about 3d programming.
Karla's blogs - Karla seems to be a busy gurl missing most of her lectures :D. But she has tried her best to post her ideas to her best. I don't agree with her idea about it being hard for people making friends over the internet, no really makes friends over the internet, because its natural that humans don't trust other until/unless they met the person or seen the person. Internet is just only a source of meeting people, you can meet people online and get in contact with them personally to know more about them. I think internet is a great source of making friends and meeting new people from different countries and knowing about their culture.
All my friends have got great posts and their ideas a very different since they all from different backgrounds and countries. The way the presented their ideas are also very different. This small research helped me understand how different people like to convey their ideas differently.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Day 3 - Questions & Answers
2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?
A. To contact Grant logon to Grant Hackett's website which is
and leave a post on the above link or or email to
3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?
A. A giraffe's tongue is 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimeters) long
4. How would you define "ontology"? In your own words, what does it mean?
A. Ontology is a formal specification of a program, describing the relationship in between them.
Search engine :
5. What was David Lynch's first film?
A. David Lynch's first feature film, "Eraserhead"
6. When was the original "Hacker's Manifesto" written, and by whom?
A. Written January 8, 1986 by a Lord Blanken Sheperd
7. What is the capital of Bhutan, and what language do the citizens speak?
A. The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu and the language spoken by the Bhutias is Sikkimese.
8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Bergen, Norway to Ornskoldsvik, Sweden?
A. Road
9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1972?
A. The first time ever i saw your face (Roberta Flack)
10. What punk band was Stephen Stockwell (head of the school of arts) in?
A. The Black Assassins
Day 3
Technology -> It is a scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to world.
Google vs. New York Times -> Google came up with Googlenews which had a huge impact on The New York Times. The paper had huge losses because of Googlenews. Young people stopped buying the paper and read the news at Googlenews instead. This matter was taken to the court and the case was won by Google.
EPIC - Set in 2014 it charts the history of the Internet, the evolving mediascape and the way news and newspapers were affected by the growth in online news. It coined the word "Googlezon" from a future merger of Google and Amazon to form the Google grid, and speaks of news wars with the Times becoming a print only paper for the elite culminating in EPIC Evolving Personalised Information Construct.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm quite far away from my family. My family lives in kuwait and I live in australia doing my bachelors of information technology. Communication with my family is not very often, but communicating with them is very important for me because my parents are the one who are supporting my education here in australia. I use international calling cards more frequently to communcate with my family. I sometimes also use msn messenger and emails to send documents to my family. But using calling cards is much easier and quick way of communcating important and urgent messages.
I've got friends in sydney, gold coast, india, kuwait, UK, USA and many other parts of the world. I usually use msn messenger or email them to communicate with them.
Communcating with people i've only met online and never seen is very different to the people I see everday. I think to know more about a person you need to have physical contact with the person, since body language of the person also a part of communication.
I've used these communcation technologies (phone, msn and email) since I was in my 8th grade. I started using these technologies to communicate with my relatives in india. The more I used it, they more important they got !!!
Using communcation technologies do help in socialising but communcating with people face to face really helps in socialising and knowing the person much more. I don't really use communication technologies to socialise because for me to understand a person their face expression and body language is very important. I would use communicating technologies only when the person is far away from me.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
About myself!!!
Yo people!!! My name is Simer, born and raised in kuwait orignally from Punjab, India. I'm at queensland brisbane at the momement, been here for almost three years now. I'm studying bachelors of Information Technology at Griffith University at Nathan. I'm doing 2 summer semester courses down Gold coast now to finish my degree requirements. Almost done yay !!! :D:D
I like boxing, computers, cars, music and gymnastics. I've been learning jeet kune do and gymnastics since I was 9 years old, don't do it anymore because of a few injuries I had. I'm into boxing and do gym at the moment. Boxing is pretty cool and different to martial arts, ya need to be much more aggressive in boxing.
Cars !!! man I miss my car. I had a nissan silvia s13 with rb25det in it, man it used to go hard. I sold it now and miss it now. I'm planning on buying an s15 and chucking a GTR motor, rb26dett in it. What do you guyz think of that haan. Good plan aye!!! letz c how far I go with it .... !!!
Aite people !!!
First day of lecture
The following topics were covered in the lecture:
1) What is technology ?
2) What is communication?
3) How new technologies are developed from old technologies
A video was shown during the lecture, it talked about journalists and how they use blogs. It was quite funny, you guyz should check it out on. Click on the link below to load up the movie
Comedy Central - Blog
Alrighty people